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Who Are We?

We are farmers, tradies, full-time mums & dads, teachers, engineers, young families, retirees, teenagers, young adults.

All of us are more broken & damaged than we ever dare to admit … 

But in Jesus, we are more loved, & accepted than we ever dared hope.

We are ordinary people, who are loved by an amazing God. 

And we want you to know Him like this as well.  God wants every one of us to have a real relationship with Him, & it's the most fulfilling experience there is.  This is what we were created for, to know & love God, like He knows & loves us.  To know He's always with you, that you can speak to Him anytime & hear Him as He speaks to you through His Word & by the Holy Spirit, to come into His presence & feel His closeness .....

This is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.  John 17:3

We don't pretend to have all the answers, but our church is a safe place to come & ask questions, be open & honest.

We are big on being real.

Read on to discover a bit more about us,

our core values, what we believe,

the projects we are currently working on,

or why not give us a call on 0407 429 763 

 It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel  where Christ was not known,

so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation.

Romans 15:20 

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Servant leaders .. Steve & Fiona Cheal, Danny & Nikki Everingham, Keith & Lyn Appleby

Core Values
Anchor 1

We desire to seek God with all our hearts;

  • loving & surrendering to Him completely

  • trusting Him absolutely

  • devoted to worshipping Him alone

  • connecting with Him each day in His Word

  • continually praying with unwavering faith

  • depending on the Holy Spirit in every part of our lives

We desire to live;

  • by faith in God alone

  • full of His joy

  • willing to sacrifice & suffer for Jesus

We feel called to;

  • reach the unreached .. to go to the least .. so they know Jesus as Lord

  • see people set free & restored

  • make disciples who make disciples

  • equip & send everyone of us as missionaries into our world

  • be super fruitful for Jesus

  • be a church without walls .. reaching the north west .. & the world

  • partner together with God's people to build God's kingdom

We believe Jesus is making us to be;

  • His church, under His leadership

  • a family that loves each other

  • humble servants

  • radically generous

  • real & authentic


Our core values are built on these convictions:

  • God’s Word is our only source of truth, it’s the only basis for discipleship and mission

  • God’s Spirit is our only source of real transforming power

  • God’s mission is to make a people for Himself, a people to live in His presence & to worship Him forever

  • God wants His church to join Him in His mission, reuniting lost kids back to their heavenly Father, & preparing those in church to be God’s own people

  • God’s mission should shape everything we do as christians and as churches

  • we are absolutely 100% Jesus Christ focused, bible based, & gospel-centred

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