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 UGANDA "the pearl of Africa"

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Real Hope Church Inverell are privileged to partner together with God's people in Uganda & South Sudan.  We are all one church, & we are humbled to be part of what God is doing, seeing people come to know Jesus, being discipled & equipped, & new churches planted. We want to see God honoured, by kids thriving, marriages strengthened, leaders developed, churches growing, & people free & full of life. 


Kids playing on church steps


Mum & bub in Namatala

We are blessed to have some very good mates in Uganda; Ps Richard & Mildred Gad, who pastor Victory Life Mbale & oversee the Victory Life network of churches; Ps Cosmas & Grace Madile, who pastor Victory Life Adjumani; Ps Darious Lako Zacharia who equips church planters; & all the many pastor’s & leaders we are blessed to know & work alongside, Anthony, Dickson, George, John, Frank, Alex, Phillip, Steven, John Paul ….. too many to name here, from over 65 churches all across Uganda, into Southern Sudan & western Kenya.     


Leaders meeting for discipleship in Mbale, just received bibles, Ps Richard & Mildred Gad are on the right

God is working amongst His people.  He is using His local church to be His hands & feet in their country. 

We partner with them by .....

....Discipling pastors, through ongoing relationships, conferences, & training resources. We go over each year to support their ministry & are always blessed & learn more of God through them

....Providing bibles, in local languages & English

....Ministering to kids, we are currently looking to establish with Compassion Uganda support centres for children through the network of churches, discipling them in Jesus, providing an important connection for the gospel with their families, & providing employment for women in the local church.

Local kids dancing outside church


Ken & Bek just seem to attract kids, sitting outside new church site in Namatala Mbale


Kids church at Mbale


Boys with bucket of eggs to sell in Adjumani's main street


Everyone works in the garden, near Jinja in eastern Uganda

WATCH the end of this clip, this is why we need to build this church, we are standing at the intersection, just in front of building site.  This is right in the heart of Namatala, this area needs this church to be ministering God's grace

....Planting new churches, particularly in areas like Gulu, which is a large city of over 150,000.  More than 2 million people from this area had to flee & live in refugee camps during the 90’s, only returning in 2009.  This is where many young people were taken as sex slaves / child soldiers, particularly in the rural area to the north


village north of Gulu

This is what happens when a new church is established, this one is at Sironko, they have a heart to worship


Local markets, see butcher shop on left with meat hanging in window, motorbikes at front are taxi's

This church is special, it's inside the refugee camps near South Sudan's border. They have no sound system, no electricity, no floor, no walls ... no worries .... they have an Awesome God & hearts that seek Him

Our special focus

We want to see the whole local church equipped to make disciples & plant new churches amongst the refugee camps in northern Uganda, & then to expand back into South Sudan, & beyond

There are currently about 550,000 people who have fled South Sudan in these camps.  It was only about 20 years ago that things were reversed, with many Ugandan’s themselves going as refugees into South Sudan, to escape the war in their country.  The opportunities are very strategic.  God has always had a heart for refugees, starting with His own people in Egypt.  We'd love to talk to you about them.   ​


I'd like to introduce Ps Cosmas, listen as he shares his heart to see disciples made, leaders developed, churches planted, & God's kingdom expanded 

Handing out bibles to leaders in refugee camp

Obstacles to work through

    1. South Sudan has over 60 different tribes.  Some of the tribes will not allow people from other tribes to evangelize to their people & will push them out with violence.  There is still much unforgiveness, jealousy, & fear between tribes.  The local pastors believe the most effective way to reach these tribes, is to evangelize people who have moved away from their homeland, & then those people can be sent back. 

    2. Language – Each tribe has their own dialect, within the Dinka’s there are 24 different.


    3. Conflict – The violence is ongoing, it is very dangerous particularly outside Juba, that's why they have fled.

Strategic Advantages for the gospel


    1. Some people from every one of South Sudan's 60 + tribes already live within the camps, & can be reached.

    2. Muslims – across north Africa there is a strip of muslim nations.  From Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan, Chad, Niger, & Mali.  These represent over 120 million people, & more than 80% are unreached people groups, & have not only not heard the gospel, but don’t even know a Christian.  While these groups have their own language, they all speak Arabic.  South Sudanese also speak Arabic.  As we train church planters, we can train Arabic speaking African’s to go as missionaries into these muslim countries.


Partnership in the gospel

    We are supporting Ps Richard & Ps Cosmas & Ps Darious, who are already training church planters, raising leaders & planting churches.                

You can be part of this work. Let's serve Jesus as He builds His church. Contact me for details. 


Victory Life church in Adjumani

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