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Our Stories

Sharing our stories, so that others may know how great Our God is.....

Trevor and Jen Jellicoe, farmers at Oakwood  

"we've got to know God, and realised He loves us so much He gave His only Son for us,  it blows our mind"

Gav and Mel Thorpe, farmers at Delungra

"I tried to run life my own way, it was going from bad to worse.  But God answered prayer and healed my hand, it showed how much He cared ...... now we're trusting God through the drought"

Ken and Bek Cheal, just married, builder and teacher in Inverell

"I discovered who Jesus is, He really wants a personal relationship with all of us .... now we have a reason for being, we want to share God's love with others"

 Joshua  Wowuya, Sironko Uganda

"had very serious infection around his heart, God healed him totally  now he serves with his wife and family"  

Alex and Bek Tom, young family, live and work in Inverell

"I sometimes struggled, but now I know God as my Father, He's a part of everyday, gives me purpose in everything, I know He loves me, He's always so gentle"  

Phil Paton, local builder, family

"God loved me in my brokenness, He reached out to me, I'm no longer the angry bloke I was, now because of God's love I can love my wife and kids better"

Gav and Mel Thorpe, farmers at Delungra with 4 kids

"God is greater than our circumstances, people are on His heart, we have real hope and real joy because we trust God"

Danny Everingham, farmer west of Inverell, family

"I used to make up excuses, but knew nothing I could do would make me right with God, but God reached out to me, I was His lost kid and He wanted me to come home, now knowing Jesus is the best, gives me deep down in my guts peace" 

Dawn Allington, works in healthcare in Inverell, mother of 2 sons

"I knew a lady who every time she talked about God, her face lit up, I wanted some of that .... but I struggled because I hadn't known unconditional love, but then I asked God to show me His love, and I got this real warmth in my heart.  Now I know He's with me always, & will never stop loving me" 

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