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We just wanted you to know that life can be better :)

Learn how to manage money better, how to recover from divorce, sexual abuse or addiction.
Parent better, make marriage and sex better OR Enable your kids to have courage.
If this sounds good to you - contact us now to join a course.



Search for Life

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Why am I here? This course helps you understand who you are and why you feel and behave the way you do. It allows you to unravel the hurts and pains of your experience so far and move beyond this to healing and true happiness and purpose.

Door of Hope

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A supportive program for women who have experienced sexual abuse. Will help you to develop new strategies for living and find healing. The course explores powerlessness, shame and guilt, healthy sexuality, being loved, restoration of trust and how to build positive relationships.

New Beginnings

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Help in overcoming addition. 

A look at how to receive healing, break the cycle of addition, remove shame, restore relationships and have a balanced life.

Divorce Recovery

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Divorce is challenging and often overwhelming.
This course aims to offer a safe place to process grief and loss and to find skills and courage to rebuild. Find renewed strength,  and hope for the future.

Making Marriage Better

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This course is an opportunity to enhance or rebuild your marriage.  Teaching you how to build a great marriage from whatever point you are at; How to keep love fresh and how to handle the boredom, conflict and stress associated with marriage; and discover more about the uniqueness of their partner.

Parents with Courage

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This course, for families with older primary and high school aged children, aims to provide parents with greater self understanding as well as enhanced skills for parenting. It seeks to equip parents as well as provide support for those who are currently facing challenges, providing parents with a flexible approach to parenting. 

Mastering your Money

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Mastering Your Money is one of the most important elements involved in maintaining viable marriages and homes where parents raise stable families. Whether married or single, learning to budget with intelligence and discipline is the key for turning dreams about home ownership and living a life of generosity into a reality.

Kids with Courage

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This course aims to strengthen primary aged children (7-12) who are struggling with issues at school, at home or with peer relationships.

The program is used as both prevention and intervention for children.  It is a program that builds on the strengths of the child and develops emotional resilience.  

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