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If you would like to give to Real Hope Church to be part of expanding God's kingdom ....



BSB: 932000

AcNo: 100433223

  You might notice we don’t take up a collection, in fact we will never ask for money. For 2 reasons.  Firstly we don’t want anyone to ever feel uncomfortable, & secondly, we don’t want it to be our focus.

    Our focus is Jesus, & bringing people to know Him.  We want to seek first His Kingdom.  So when we give, we give to Him, it’s a sign of our devotion to Him.

    But that means we are going to give, and not just our money, we will give our time, our resources, our very lives.  Everything we have belongs to God, & we are stewards or managers making the best use of every part of our lives for Him. 

   One of the great things at Real Hope church, is most of everything we receive gets given away.

 Money we receive goes to:

  • Making disciples

  • Running LifeKeys here in Inverell

  • Supporting persecuted churches

  • Training church planters in South Sudan

  • Supporting the church in Uganda through
    training pastors and providing resources

  • Doing outreach into local high schools & workplaces

  • Building a church for believers in Uganda

  • Setting this up as compassion centre for many orphaned & abandoned kids

  • Sending bibles to those who have none

  • & the costs of running our local church.  This is very little because everyone who is part of our church is involved in doing ministry, & all who serve choose not to be paid, because like Paul in 1 Cor 9, we'd rather it all be invested into people's lives, into changing hearts, into sharing God's Word. 

  • You can check out our current projects on the partners page

  • We aim for over 80% of money received to be given away.

  • Hudson Taylor said, "God's work done God's way will never lack God's supply."

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