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Please see below our statement of intent, our safe ministry policy, our child protection statement & our constitution



Real Hope church Statement of Intent  (incorporated association)




We exist to bring honour, respect, admiration, recognition, fame, devotion; to bring glory to God, (God who is revealed in the bible, God the Father, Jesus Christ, & the Holy Spirit.)

We exist to love the Lord our God, with all our heart, soul, mind, & strength.

The bible is our only standard for faith & life.  We will live as the bible shows us, in our own lives, in our marriages, families, in the church, & in the world.   We will promote biblical marriage, between one man & one woman for life.  We will seek to make the bible available to all we can. 

We want to be people who are devoted to worshiping Jesus, individually & together. We want to carve out time daily to be alone for prayer and Bible reading. We make time to join with others to pray and study His Word. We regularly celebrate the Lord’s Supper and can’t stop thanking Him for His mercy.   

We want to live like Jesus did, to become like Him in our character & actions.  We want to be people who reflect the heart of Jesus, so we will live compelled by His love, compassion, justice, & mercy. 

We exist to see God’s kingdom come, that is to bring His healing, freedom, compassion, justice and salvation to the earth, as described in Isaiah 61, so everyone will know Jesus as the King of Kings.


We want everyone to know how great God is.  We will declare the truths of the bible, especially how we can come into saving relationship with Jesus, with everyone at every opportunity.


We believe that all believers are called be disciple-makers.  We will seek to make disciples of Jesus everywhere we go. We will train & equip others to also be part of the mission of God. Our goal is that each one of us becomes like Christ, and develops the ability to lead others to Him, make disciples, and plant churches.  We believe Jesus is leading us to do this in Inverell, across Australia, around the world.

We want to be a body of believers who live as God’s family (Matt. 12:46, Luke 14:26). Jesus said that "all people will know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:35). He also prayed that his disciples would be so "perfectly one" that the world may believe that the Father sent Jesus (John 17:20-23). 

We want to be people who love each other deeply and show this by our sacrifice. We seek a bond that surpasses that of our natural families and is only possible because of our common fellowship with Jesus. We share our possessions and our lives with each other. We seek to obey all of the “one another” commands in Scripture. Our goal is not merely to get along but to love each other to the extent that Christ loved us, and to be united to the extent that the Father is one with the Son

Our church belongs to God.  We are the adopted sons & daughters of our Heavenly Father.  Jesus Christ is our head, our foundation, our cornerstone, our truth, & our life.  We are the temple of the Holy Spirit, filled & empowered to live for Him. 

We exist by God, through God, & for God alone.  We will not allow anything to distract us from following Him, & fulfilling His mission.

Our church will be not-for-profit, & all income will be used to fulfil this statement of intent.





We are committed to protecting all people within our ministries from the direct and indirect effects of abuse. All people regardless of age, gender, race, culture, disability or family/social background have equal rights to protection. All people have the right to be respected and valued as well as feel emotionally, physically, and spiritually safe at all times.

With regard to sexual preference, the church maintains the responsibility to teach biblical principles, and will do so in a manner that respects the individual as a beloved child of God.

We are also committed to healing and restoration of individuals who have been impacted or are being impacted by past abuse. We will seek the best available professional support services to assist the healing process and be guided by professional advice.

Our policy has been developed to uphold this commitment to safeguarding and to adhere to Legislation Frameworks.

  • National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009- 2020 (Commonwealth of Australia)

  • Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 (NSW)

  • Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 (NSW)

  • Royal Commission’s Child Safe Standards.




Abuse – abuse and neglect are in the form of (but not limited to) Physical abuse; Emotional abuse; Domestic Violence; Sexual abuse; Neglect; Bullying; Grooming; Spiritual abuse; Financial abuse.

Child – person under the age of 18 years

Reasonable Suspicion - means fair and practical reason to believe an incident involving abuse has occurred based on either verbal communication, allegation or observance of behaviour.

Safe Environment – a place where all appropriate steps have been taken to keep all those in our care safe from abuse.

Safe Leader -      a person who has been through the correct recruiting processes including working with children background checks, is adequately trained using professionally acquired resources, understands and accepts their responsibilities and demonstrates compliance with this policy.




This policy applies to all elders, deacons and people working with children and vulnerable people in ministry or a mentoring relationship or anyone working on behalf of Real Hope Church Inc.

  1. We commit ourselves to respect other people’s minds, emotions and bodies. 

  2. We acknowledge and accept the trust granted to us by those who are taking part in church activities, their families, and the wider community. We therefore commit ourselves to striving to ensure that all our actions are in line with the greatest commandments – The first being ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind’ and the second, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’.

  3. We are committed to establishing a process that strives for openness, accountability and appropriate confidentiality. We will ensure as far as possible that a compassionate response is the priority in all allegations, even at a time when it is not yet certain that the allegations are accurate, through offering assistance, protection and care without passing judgement or prejudicing the rights of the alleged offender. We acknowledge that concealing the truth is contrary to the character of God, unjust to victims and a disservice to offenders.

  4. We understand and value the need for professional support to all parties involved in an allegation, including the aggrieved person and the alleged offender, and we actively seek to provide this support. We are willing to know the full extent of the problem of abuse and the causes of such behaviour affecting those within or connected to the church. We will maintain awareness of our legal responsibilities and obligations in relation to prevention, reporting and processing requirements and always comply with them.

  5. We believe that churches ought to be places of safety and refuge for children, young people and others, where they should be and feel safe from any threat when on church property or involved in activities operated by the church, or accessing services provided by the church. We believe that the church should be a place where people can disclose abuse, and have it dealt with appropriately.

  6. We will establish a prevention strategy that includes screening, sound recruitment and selection procedures, clear boundaries, risk identification and management, education, support, supervision and training.

  7. We acknowledge that the age of consent for sexual activity is determined by legislation. However, we are mindful that this must be read in the light of our moral and spiritual responsibility as church leaders. All people in a position of authority within the church, be it real or perceived, paid or unpaid, have a moral and spiritual responsibility towards those over whom they have authority. In this situation it is never appropriate to take part in illicit sexual activity of any kind, regardless of the person’s age. We affirm that sexual behaviour belongs in a marriage relationship only and that in this context it is a gift of God.

  8. All reasonable suspicion (allegations) will be notified to the appropriate external authorities, investigated thoroughly and determined as described in this policy and procedures.

  9. Irrespective of any other action that may be taken by authorities outside of the church, the church reserves the right to exercise its powers according to the Code of Discipline wherever this action is deemed necessary.



  1. Recruitment of Leaders – before a person is appointed to a ministry position, they will be required to have a WWC number, at least two references, and have undergone appropriate training in Safe Ministries.
    People with prior convictions or unresolved allegations will not be appointed.

  2. Training – all leaders will undertake Safe Ministry Training and will be required to undertake a refresher course every 3 years

  3. Supervision – all leaders will be under the supervision of the elders and are accountable to them for support and discipline

  4. All leaders are mandatory reporters and will be required to report when they have current concerns about the safety, welfare and wellbeing of a child for any of the mandated reasons. Refer to guidance at

  5. The procedure for reporting complaints and suspicions is firstly to talk to one or more of the elders. Support will be considered for all concerned, including the reporter, the victim and the alleged offender.

The elders will notify the appropriate authorities immediately as required by legislation and keep a secure record of all suspicions and allegations.

Information will be assessed in a transparent and God honouring manner in order to protect the safety of individuals as the highest priority, while maintaining the rights of all concerned to proper justice.

  1. We will create a safe environment, allowing people to raise their concerns in an appropriate manner. Appropriate information about health and family situations will always be obtained for children in the care of leaders to ensure that we are able to care for physical and emotional needs. All ministry will be regularly assessed, and steps taken to minimise the risks.

  2. Training will ensure that each person is aware of these procedures and if they are still unsure of what to do in a situation, they are to seek advice. Each person should know and acknowledge the limit of their own abilities and seek assistance in situations that are beyond their limits.


The elders will obtain guidance from qualified professional support workers on a case by case basis for instances of restoration from abuse. The elders will meet with individuals and develop a plan for safety, accountability, healing and restoration. Given the serious implications for both the individual and others of unresolved issues, continuing engagement with the church will require that some boundaries are agreed at this meeting. In particular, a willingness to engage with professional counselling approved by the elders will generally form part of these boundaries.

Survivor of Abuse

Real Hope Church acknowledges that abuse cuts deep into a person and needs particular care and attention to bring restoration and full healing. The elders will work with those who have endured past abuse to identify the best available external and internal resources to facilitate healing.  

While it is acknowledged that the healing process itself can be painful, it is not accepted that the pain is ever to prevent healing being pursued. The effects of abuse, if left unattended, will inevitably work out to cause further pain in the individual and in others around them, and in particular if they have children. We will always aim to stop generational patterns of abuse in the current generation.

It is the policy of Real Hope Church therefore to not accept unresolved hurt as a long term condition to be accommodated, and to encourage individuals to engage with resources that are made available to facilitate healing and restoration.

Abuse in the family context

Reporting of any allegations of abuse or historic abuse that has occurred to any children within the family unit is strongly encouraged for all members. An example might be where a child has been abused by a distant relative.

The elders will work with the parents to develop a plan toward complete freedom & healing, not just to cope better. 

This plan may involve boundaries being set for the protection of all parties and the wider church.


Parents need to be willing for both themselves and their child to receive specialised professional counselling.  This will continue until parent, counsellor, & elders mutually agree to finish.  This counselling is to include an assessment of risk of any victim of abuse becoming an abuser themselves.


Parents and elders will work together to agree on choice of counsellor (must be from outside of church, appropriately qualified and must be specialised for the situation).


Parents will agree to be accountable to elders to exercise joint responsibility for the process.  This will include elders being notified of any disclosures or risk issues, and receiving appropriate reports from the counsellor (not of details, only of outcomes and oversight requirements). Such reports will be kept in the strictest confidence.


Elders will always act in the best interests of the child, and will assume the parent will also.


Partner of an Abuser

When recovering from past abusive relationships, the recovery of the marriage partner of an abuser of children in the family home is especially complicated. As the other adult in the home, the marriage partner is without doubt a victim of the abuser. Nonetheless, as a victim, the partner may or may not have been complicit in the abuser’s activities, intentionally or otherwise, and for the healing of the partner, referral to professional assessment and counselling that is conducted by a person with specific experience in this field will be made. This is primarily for the restorative healing of the partner, with ongoing positive benefit to the church and the community, with the goal that the partner is fully restored without hindrance to relationships arising from unresolved issues, whether real or imagined, by the partner or others.

Any allegations of sexual abuse

If an allegation of any sexual abuse is made against a member of Real Hope, or someone in their immediate family, then that member should immediately inform & meet with the elders.  The alleged perpetrator must agree to outside specialized counselling & evaluation organized by the elders.  The alleged perpetrator will consult with the elders to come up with an interim management plan, which will include boundaries that are prudent while the matter is investigated, e.g. whether it’s appropriate to continue meeting with Real Hope community, & support for the alleged perpetrator.  This plan & boundaries must be maintained to continue to be part of Real Hope.

Former Abuser

Real Hope Church maintains the biblical principles that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, and his subsequent resurrection from death, completely covers the cost of any and all sin. Furthermore, that no particular sin is beyond the scope of Jesus amazing power to save and heal, and that full restoration and healing is always the goal, and is always possible through the application of confession, repentance, obedience and new life.

Notwithstanding, the consequences of sin are real, and while the former abuser will be encouraged with love, grace and compassion, there will be the need for the former abuser to be especially accountable to the eldership in the ongoing restorative relationship. The safety of others will always override the rights of a former abuser, and the former abuser will be required to accept any necessary boundaries that are implemented with regard to involvement in activities. Boundaries will be implemented to sufficient extent that a repeat of the former abuse is never possible while involved in church activities or on church premises. Any transgression of boundaries will result in the former abuser being completely barred from attendance at Real Hope Church events.




Any boundaries or requirements that are set by the elders in light of this policy statement must be accepted and implemented as a condition of an individual attending Real Hope Church events. Failure to abide by agreed boundaries and requirements will result in a person being barred at the elders’ discretion from attending Church events either;

1. for a period while a review is undertaken, or

2. indefinitely.

updated march 2021


Real Hope Church

Child Protection Statement



This document briefly describes our heart and our values. Our formal Safe Ministry Policy is also available. In this statement “we” refers to elders.


Our motivations

  1. We are seeking to be supportive, restoring, bringing health & healing, for children, for parents, for siblings … & for our whole church community; we are not in any way wanting to convey a judgmental or condemning nature.

  2. We seek to always put the safety of our kids first, we will deliberately & proactively protect them.

  3. We seek to always act in the best interest of our whole church community, looking to provide a safe & healthy environment for everybody.

  4. We seek to always act in the best interest of any person involved with abuse & their families, seeking to provide protection & safety, healing, and restoration through professional counselling, & ongoing support through prayer, discipling, accountability, and safe boundaries.

  5. We want the hurting from past abuse to end ... this requires new boundaries to heal & to prevent future abuse.

  6. This is a spiritual problem & so we will ask God to intervene to bring protection, cleansing, forgiveness & healing.  We don’t want to allow the sins of the past to continue or to have ongoing detrimental effects.

  7. We aim to create a context for lasting change … so we’ll challenge old patterns & establish new alternatives, based on security & hope.

  8. Even though full healing and restoration is expected, boundaries will never be removed where safety for others might be compromised by doing so.

  9. We desire to help set up your family for spiritual success, now & for coming generations.


Our approach for survivors of abuse

  1. We seek to listen & believe.

  2. We’ll pray with you & support you spiritually.

  3. We seek to provide nurturing relationships that are safe.

  4. We will offer specialized, professional, external counselling for you.  This counselling will be private, but the counsellor may give us advice on how to better help & support you.

  5. We’ll seek to assist you come up with a plan to move forward, and help you be accountable to achieve the goals of your plan.


Our desire for parents who have had sexual abuse within their family

  1. We want to come alongside parents & agree to work together for complete freedom & healing, not just to cope better.  We want to help you make a plan to move forward.

  2. We want you to feel protected, & for you to be able to protect your children, so elders will assist you to put in safe boundaries.

  3. We want you and your child to receive specialized counselling.  We want to work together to find the right counsellor, they must be from outside of church, professionally qualified, they must be experienced in, and specialized for, the situation. This will continue until the parent, counsellor, & elders mutually agree to finish.  This counselling will include risk assessments for the protection of your family and the church community.

  4. To be able to work through this process & to allow God to start rebuilding your life, you need support.  So we ask parents to agree to be accountable to elders, so together we can take joint responsibility for journey of healing with you.   This will include elders being notified of any disclosures or risk issues & receiving advice from counsellor on how to better support you, (this won’t include details, only steps to move forward.)

  5. Elders will always act in the best interest of the child, we believe & assume the parent will also

  6. We agree to be open to give & receive truth

  7. We desire to care for any person affected by abuse, but the safety of our church community will never be compromised

  8. Any boundaries must be maintained to continue to be part of Real Hope



Our boundaries for allegations of sexual abuse

  1. If an allegation of any sexual abuse is made against a member of Real Hope, or someone in their immediate family, then that member should immediately inform & meet with the elders

  2. The person who is alleged to have abused, must agree to outside specialized counselling & evaluation organized by the elders

  3. The person who is alleged to have abused, will consult with the elders as to what boundaries are prudent while the matter is investigated, e.g. whether it’s appropriate to continue meeting with Real Hope community

  4. These boundaries must be maintained to continue to be part of Real Hope.



Our desire for Real Hope church community

  1. We want to provide a safe, healthy, open, free environment for everyone, but especially for our young people.

  2. We have a strategy & framework in place for anyone involved in an abusive situation.

  3. We wish to be as open as much as possible with everyone, we wish to build confidence & allay fears.

  4. If people have any concerns, we are always available to speak.

  5. As God’s people, we will intentionally work to bring safety, healing, forgiveness, & restoration, to bring health, to sanctify, & to build strong families. 


Real Hope Church Incorporated

Association Constitution  –  April 2019



The name of the incorporated association is "REAL HOPE CHURCH INCORPORATED", in this constitution called "the Church".


2.1. Definitions

In this constitution, unless the contrary intention appears:

“Act” means the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW) as amended or substituted.

“Committee of Servant Leaders” means the committee comprising all of the appointed Elders and persons appointed to the roles of Treasurer and Secretary.

 “Deacon” means a member fulfilling all the scriptural requirements of a deacon, appointed by the elders to perform a particular function

“Elder” means a man fulfilling all the scriptural requirements of an elder and who serves the church as a member of the Committee of Servant Leaders, that being the committee that has responsibility for all spiritual and temporal affairs of the church. An elder performs the role in marriage partnership with his wife if he has one.

"Financial year" means the year ending on 30 June.

"General Meeting" means a General Meeting of members of the Church convened in accordance with this constitution.

"Member" means a member of the Church.

“Ordinary Resolution” is a resolution of the Church which is not a Special Resolution.

“Special General Meeting” means any General Meeting other than the Annual General Meeting.

“Special Resolution” means a resolution passed at a duly convened meeting of the Members of the Church where:

  1. at least 21 days written notice specifying the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution has been given to all Members of the Church; and

  2. has been passed at a meeting by a majority of not less than three-quarters of such Members of the Church



(1)  This association is a church, understood in the context of the Christian Bible.  The Bible is the standard for faith and life in all matters. As a church we will function by the principles, & for the purpose laid out in the bible.  All other documents of the Church (including this constitution, any statement of intent, any statement of belief) are subordinate to the Bible, and are to be interpreted in accordance with the Bible, and will be corrected at the first opportunity if any contradiction between them is found to exist.


(1)  The church will establish and maintain a register of committee (hereafter called the Committee of Servant Leaders) and ordinary members of the church (hereafter called members) specifying the name and postal or residential address of each person together with the date on which the person became a member.


(2)  The register of members must be kept in New South Wales:

       (a) at the main premises of the church; or

      (b) if the church has no premises, at the church’s official address.

(3)  The register of members must be open for inspection, free of charge, by any member of the church,

       at any reasonable hour.


(1)  The members are not required to pay any entrance fees, subscriptions, annual

       membership fees, or any other amounts.



The church is a not-for-profit association, & the property and income of the Church shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objectives of the Church and no part of that property or income may be paid or otherwise distributed, directly or indirectly, to members, except in good faith in the promotion of those objectives.


(1) To be eligible to become a member a person must believe in & follow Jesus, as He is revealed in the bible, & must confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour,  

(2) and be committed to; the family covenant, statement of intent, & statement of belief of Real Hope Church Incorporated (hereafter called the church).

(3) and be accepted by church elders 



(1)  There are nil liabilities for a member of the church to contribute towards the payment of the debts

       and liabilities of the church or the costs, charges and expenses of the winding up of the church.


(1)  There shall be a Board of Reference consisting of not less than three (3) persons.  Its members shall be  

       leaders within the wider body of Christ who are not members of the church, but who share   

       the vision, and beliefs of the church, and are known for their God-given wisdom.

(2)  The elders shall appoint the members of the Board of Reference.

(3)  The members of the Board of Reference shall provide counsel to the elders on matters relating to the vision and governance of the church, both when consulted by the elders and/or when led by God to offer such counsel.  The elders shall consult with the members of the Board of Reference at any time there is a dispute on which they feel they would benefit from such guidance, or at any other time that the elders may determine.



(1)  The responsibility of administering discipline in the first instance is that of the elders.


(2)  Grounds for exercising discipline may include, but not be limited to:

       (a)  unscriptural conduct which is inconsistent with the practice of the Christian faith as outlined in the bible; or

      (b)  misuse of appointed or elected office.


(3)  Any charge or charges brought against a member or members shall be investigated and acted upon as quickly as practically possible, and be consistent with the justice and welfare of the fellowship of the Church, (see relational guidelines)


(4)  Disciplinary action may include, but not be limited to:


      (a)  suspension from office; or


     (b)  cancellation from office; or


     (c)  expulsion from the church.


(5)  The ultimate goal of the church is always to bring honour to God.  The secondary goal of elders and members is always to reconcile with the person, and to see them restored in themselves, and in ministry.



  1. Any disciplined member may appeal against such disciplinary action to the elders who shall refer the matter to the Board of Reference, who, acting as neutral mediators, shall determine the appropriate course of action.



(1)  If a member and another member of the church have a dispute, they are to seek resolution by meeting and discussing the matter in dispute, and if possible, resolving the dispute within seven (7) days after the dispute comes to the attention of both parties.  The parties to the dispute must, in good faith, attempt to settle the dispute through prayerful conversation, in accordance with any relational guidelines of the church.

(2)  If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute at the meeting or meetings, or if a party fails to attend the meeting or meetings, then the parties must hold a meeting or meetings in the presence of a mediator.


(3)  The mediator cannot be a member who is a party to the dispute. 

(4)  A member of the Church can be a mediator.

(5)  The mediator must be:

      (a)  a person chosen by agreement between both parties; or

      (b)  in the absence of an agreement:

           (i)  in the case of a dispute between a member and another member, a person appointed by the

                elders; or

          (ii)  in the case that a party to the dispute is a member of the elders, a

                person who is a member of the Board of Reference; or       


         (iii)  in the case that the elders have an unresolved conflict of interest in

                appointing a mediator, a person who is a member of the Board of Reference. 


(6)  If the mediation process does not result in the dispute being resolved, the parties shall have the dispute

      resolved by the Board of Reference.

(7)  A dispute between a member or members and the church is to be referred to the Board of



  1. The Committee of Servant Leaders comprises the elders of the church.

  2. The committee is supported and informed, including by attendance at regular committee meetings, by the elders’ wives and the secretary.

  3. In addition the treasurer will also attend quarterly meetings specifically to review the finances of the church. At such quarterly meetings the Treasurer will present a financial statement reconciled with bank statements for the preceding quarter. Original bank statements must be available for inspection at these meetings, and attending elders must sight same to ensure consistency with the quarterly financial statement.



  1. A meeting of the Committee of Servant Leaders is set by agreement of all members as to time and place.

  2. The Committee shall meet regularly and as often as is necessary for the proper oversight of the church.

  3. A majority of elders shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a meeting of the committee.

  4. No business is to be conducted by the Committee unless a quorum is present and if, within one (1) hour of the time appointed for the meeting, a quorum is not present, the meeting is to stand adjourned to the same place and time in the following week, or at such a time that the present elders appoint.

  5. At a committee meeting:


  1. the chairman is to preside; or

  2. in the chairman’s absence, the elders shall elect a chairman from among them.

  3. in the secretary’s absence, such one of the committee members as the secretary delegates or the committee members present elect is to act on behalf of the secretary to fulfil that office.

  4. any committee member delegated or elected to fulfil the role of an absent secretary as referred shall only do so until the office bearer is able to duly resume their duties.  




The founding elders are Steve Cheal, Danny Everingham and Keith Appleby.


(1)  The elders, (in marriage partnership with their wives if married,) shall be responsible for the day to day leading and management of the affairs of the church, and all of its decisions are to be made in line with Biblical guidelines and principles.


(2)  The elders and their wives shall surrender all decisions concerning the function and organizing

of the church to the authority and headship of Jesus Christ.


(3)  New elders are appointed only by a unanimous endorsement of the existing Elders following a thorough assessment of the proposed elder and his wife with reference to biblical qualifications (e.g. 1 Tim. 3 v1-7).


  1. New elders are appointed only after commitment is demonstrated by the elder and his wife, (if he has one,) to the ongoing servant leadership of the church.


  1. Elders must follow Jesus as Lord, with the Word of God (bible), revealed by the Holy Spirit, as their only standard for life & belief.  We want to uphold this freedom of belief, whilst also being committed to the purpose & mission of the church, which is articulated in the statement of intent; and whilst affirming the statement of belief, & family covenant of this church.  We desire unity in the essentials, liberty in non-essentials, & love & grace in all things


  1. Elders are appointed for an indefinite term.  Each elder will annually, prayerfully, self-appraise their ongoing suitability to hold this office, in consultation with the other elders. An elder who does not enjoy the support of a majority of elders at any time will prayerfully consider resigning from the position and cease to function as an elder. Elders will operate in a spirit of humility, holding their position in an open hand.


  1. Elders are accountable to God, & His Word; to the other elders; & to the church they serve.  Elders must continue to meet the requirements for elder, as laid down in the bible.




  1. An elder may be suspended from office after a 70% majority resolution of elders. 

  2. This elder would remain suspended until a meeting could be held with the board of reference & all elders, within fourteen (14) days.  This time is to be used to pray & seek God’s leading.  Subsequent to this meeting, the board of reference will make recommendations to the elders within fourteen (14) days. 

  3. This elder would remain suspended until a special meeting could be held, within thirty (30) days. 

  4. An elder can only be removed from office by a 70% majority resolution of members at such special meeting

  5. Subject to clause 4, before removing an elder from office, the elders shall exhaust all reasonable avenues of due course.

  6. The ultimate goal of the church is always to bring honour to God.  The secondary goal of both elders & members is always to reconcile with the suspended / removed elder, & to see them restored in themselves, & in ministry.





(2)  The office-bearers of the church are as follows:

     (a)  the chairman,

     (b)  the secretary,

     (c)  the treasurer,

     (d) the public officer

     (e)  any other office as the elders shall determine to be necessary.

 (3)  The elders may appoint an elder as the chairman, and an elder, elder’s wife or deacon as secretary, treasurer, or public officer.


(4)  Each office-bearer is, subject to this constitution, to hold office until the conclusion of the annual general meeting following the date of the member’s appointment, and is eligible for re-appointment.  There is no maximum number of consecutive terms.


(1)  It is the duty of the chairman of the church to:

     (a)  preside over Committee of Servant Leaders meetings, and

     (b)  be an authorised signatory for all cheques and negotiable instruments of the church.


18. SECRETARY          

(1)  It is the duty of the secretary of the church to:

   (a) be an authorised signatory for all official documents, cheques, and negotiable instruments of the church, and      

   (b)  to keep minutes of:

         (i)  all appointments of office-bearers, and

        (ii)  the names of members of elders present at elder meetings or a general

              meeting, and

       (iii)  all proceedings at elder meetings and general meetings.  

    (c)  to ensure that minutes of proceedings at a meeting are signed by the chairperson of the following meeting upon being adopted by those present at both meetings as a true and accurate record.



(1)  It is the duty of the treasurer of the church to:


      (a)  be an authorised signatory for all cheques and negotiable instruments of the church, and


     (b)  to ensure that:


         (i)  all cheques and negotiable instruments are appropriately signed by any two authorised signatories, and    


        (ii)  all monies due to the church are collected and received, and


       (iii)  all payments authorised by the church are made, and


      (iv)  all monies received by the church are deposited as soon as practicable and without deduction to the credit of the church’s bank account or other authorised deposit-taking institution account, and


      (v)  correct books and accounts are kept showing the financial affairs of the church, including

             full details of all receipts and expenditure connected with the activities of the church.

 (vi)  arrange for an independent annual audit of the financial accounts by the auditor, and present the statement of accounts with audit report to the annual general meeting


(vii)  arrange for any insurance coverage including property insurance, Directors and Officers insurance, voluntary workers insurance and broadform liability insurance as required.


(vii) Ensure compliance with relevant work health and safety legislation including the payment of any workers compensation premiums required.



 (2)  The public officer of the church shall be:


       (a)  an authorised signatory of the church for all official documents, and


      (b)  the official point of contact for the church.


(3)  Within twenty-eight (28) days after taking office as an church’s public officer, a person must notify the

       Director-General, in the approved form, of:


  1. the person’s full name and date of birth, and

  2. the person’s address for service of notices, being either the person’s residential address or some other address at which the person can generally be found, and

  3. the fact that the person has taken office as public officer.



(1)  In the event of a casual vacancy occurring in the office of the church, the elders may make an appointment to fill the vacancy, and the member so appointed is to hold office, subject to this constitution, until the conclusion of the annual general meeting next following the date of the appointment.


(2)  A casual vacancy occurs if an office bearer:


  1. dies; or

  2. ceases to be a member of the church; or

  3. resigns office by written or verbal notice to the secretary with a minimum twenty-one (21) days

  4. notice; or

  5. is removed from office under discipline.

(3)  A former office-bearer of the committee shall ensure that, within seven (7) days after vacating office, all

      documents in his or her possession that belong to the church are delivered to the secretary.



  1. An office bearer may be suspended before the expiration of the member’s term of office, after a 70% majority resolution of elders.  This office bearer would remain suspended until a special meeting could be held, within thirty (30) days.  An office bearer can only be removed by a majority resolution of members at such special meeting

  2. Subject to clause 6, before removing a member of the committee from the office of member, the elders shall exhaust all reasonable avenues of due course.

  3. The ultimate goal of the church is always to bring honour to God.  The secondary goal of both elders & members is always to reconcile with the suspended / removed office bearer, & to see them restored in themselves, & in ministry.




(1)  The church must hold its first annual general meeting within eighteen (18) months after its

       registration under the Act.


(2)  The church must hold an annual general meeting within six (6) months after the close of each

       financial year.



(1)  The annual general meeting is, subject to clause 18, to be convened on such a date and at such a time

       and place as the elders determine.


(2)  The annual general meeting is to be chaired by a person nominated by the elders.


(3)  In addition to any other business which may be transacted at an annual general meeting, the business of an annual general meeting is to include the following:

  1. to confirm the minutes of the last preceding annual general meeting and of any special general  meeting held since that meeting, and

  2. to receive from the elders reports on the activities of the church during the last preceding financial year, and

  3. to receive and consider any financial statement or report outlining the transactions of the church during the last financial year, and

  4. to appoint an independent person to be the auditor of the church.



(1)  The elders may, whenever it thinks fit, convene a special general meeting.



  1. Except if the nature of the business proposed to be dealt with at a general meeting requires a special resolution of the church, the secretary must, at least fourteen (14) days before the date fixed for the holding of the general meeting, give a written or verbal notice to the church members specifying the place, date and time of the meeting and the nature of the business proposed to be transacted at the meeting.


  1. If the nature of the business proposed to be dealt with at a general meeting requires a special resolution of the church, the secretary must, at least twenty-one (21) days before the date fixed for the holding of the general meeting, cause notice to be given to each member specifying, in addition to the matter required under subclause (1), the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution.




  1.  As a church, we recognise the authority and headship of Jesus Christ.  We believe that the bible teaches that the church is a theocracy, so we seek Jesus to lead us in all things.  Decisions will be made after much prayer. All members will strive to reach unity (a unified position, not necessarily total agreement) before making decisions.  We vote democratically as an association to confirm how we believe Jesus is leading us.

  2.  Decisions will be made by a 70% majority of the votes of eligible voters present at a meeting unless otherwise specified in this constitution. 


(1)  Determination of resolutions will be by show of hands.



(1)  Proxy voting cannot be undertaken at or in respect of a general meeting.


(1)  Postal ballots cannot be undertaken at or in respect of a general meeting.


(1)  The funds of the church shall be derived from tithes, offerings, and donations, and any other such

       sources as the elders approve.



For the purposes of carrying out its objectives, the Church may, subject to the Act and these rules:

  1. acquire, hold, deal with, and dispose of any real or personal property;

  2. administer any property on trust;

  3. open and operate bank accounts;

  4. invest its moneys –

  5. borrow money upon such terms and conditions as the Church thinks fit;

  6. give such security for the discharge of liabilities incurred by the Church as the Church thinks fit;

  7. appoint agents to transact any business of the Church on its behalf; and

  8. enter into any other contract it considers necessary or desirable.




(1)  The elders will determine the allocation of funds and expenditure, and give quarterly verbal reports to members.


(2)  Authorised signatories for all cheques and negotiable instruments shall be the Chairman,

      Secretary, and Treasurer.


(3)  All cheques and negotiable instruments shall be signed by at least two (2) of the authorised signatories.



(1)  An application to the Director-General for registration of a change in the church’s name, objectives or

      constitution in accordance with section 10 of the Act is to be made by:

    (a)  the public officer; or

    (b)  the secretary; or

    (c)  a committee member appointed by the elders.



(1)  The secretary shall keep in their custody or under their control all books, documents and securities of

       the Church.



(1)  The following documents must be open to inspection, free of charge, to a member of the church at

      any reasonable hour:

    (a)  records, books and other financial documents of the church,

    (b)  this constitution,

    (c)  minutes of all general meetings of the church.




(1)  The church may effect and maintain insurance at its discretion.



(1)  The financial year is:

      (a)  the period of time commencing on the date of incorporation of the church and ending on the

            following 30th June, and

     (b)  each period of twelve (12) months after the expiration of the previous financial year of the

           church, commencing on 1st  July and ending on the following 30th June.




  1. No item of business is to be transacted at a General Meeting unless a quorum of Members entitled under these rules to vote is present during the time the meeting is conducted.

  2. Those Members eligible to vote will be those who have attained the age of 18 years, who are present in person.

  3. The quorum for voting at General Meetings shall be 50% of the number of Active Members, being Members entitled under these rules to vote at a general meeting.

  4. If within half an hour after the appointed time for the commencement of a General Meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting:

  5. if convened on the requisition of Members is to be dissolved; and

  6. in any other case is to stand adjourned to the same day in the following week at the same time and (unless another place is specified at the time of the adjournment by the person presiding at the meeting or communicated by written notice to Members given before the day to which the meeting is adjourned) at the same place.




  1. A General Meeting called for the specific purpose, of which no less than thirty clear days’ notice has been given, may, by a Special Resolution, resolve that the Church be wound up or dissolved.


  1. If upon winding up or dissolution of the Church there remains after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed amongst the Members, but shall be transferred or distributed or given to a not for profit church with similar purposes and beliefs.


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